PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au
AMH 2022 section 2.4.1
LIDOCAINE (LIGNOCAINE) + ADRENALINE (EPINEPHRINE) (li-do-cane + a-dren-a-lin [ep-in-ef-rin])
Common brands include: Xylocaine with Adrenaline
LIDOCAINE (LIGNOCAINE) + PRILOCAINE (li-do-cane + pril-o-cane)
Not included in this monograph — see individual monograph or AMH for information:
Note: Can use cream or gel on skin or in mouth but won't work as well as injection.
if you need to give more than once
PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au