Active ingredients (generic names)
CEFALEXIN (sef-a-lex-in)
CEFAZOLIN (ce-faz-o-lin)
CEFTAZIDIME (cef-ta-zi-din)
CEFTRIAXONE (cef-tri-ax-own)
CEFUROXIME (cef-uro-xim)
Other cephalosporins
Not included in this monograph — see AMH for information:
- Cefepime
- Cefotaxime
- Cefoxitin
- Ceftaroline
- Ceftolozane
What it is used for
- Lots of infections — gonorrhoea, kidney infections, mastitis, melioidosis, meningitis,
pneumonia, septicaemia, skin and soft tissue infections, urinary tract infection (UTIs)
- Sepsis (ceftriaxone)
- Chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD) in children — if acute episode (cefuroxime)
Doses: Cefalexin, Cefazolin, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime
How it works
- Antibiotic that stops bacteria's cell wall from growing
- Different germs need different antibiotics. If not sure which one to use — check with
Side effects
- Serum sickness-like reaction — rash, swollen glands, sore joints
- Anaphylaxis rare — but consider if trouble breathing
Anaphylaxis — severe allergic reaction
- Person who is allergic to penicillin may also be allergic to cephalosporins
Tell the patient
- Take all the medicine — makes sure all the germs are gone and the infection doesn't
come back
- If mixture not kept in fridge — use-by/expiry date will be sooner and it won't work
as well
Return to clinic straight away
if you get rash, swollen glands, sore joints (serum sickness-like reaction)
Store in fridge
(not freezer)
— if you don’t the use-by/expiry date will be sooner and it won't work as well
Finish medicine
— even if you feel better
Warning stickers:
Cefaclor A, B
Medicine mixture (cefalexin) 6, 7a
- Always have anaphylaxis kit with adrenaline (epinephrine) ready when giving ceftriaxone or cefazolin injections
- Follow-up when antibiotic finished to make sure infection is gone. If not — medical consult
Make sure right amount of clean water added to dry powder