PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au
Faeces testing
Testing for strongyloides — faeces and/or serology
Threadworms — also treat household contacts and carers to reduce risk of reinfection
* Albendazole — do not give to children under 6 months or females who are in first trimester of pregnancy (urine pregnancy test if not sure) without medical consult
** Ivermectin
Follow-up all people who have been treated
Medical consult — may advise treatment after considering other common causes of eosinophilia such as atopy, allergy, scabies, medications
Done in areas where hookworm is/has been common. Best done once a year just before or just after the wet season. Can be done with routine child or school-aged health checks
Supporting resources
PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au